Ný tónlist úr öllum áttum á kvöldvaktinni, Souleance, Salami Rose, Chris Lake, Arc de Soleil og Dream Wife sem einmitt héldu tónleika í kvöld á Iðnó.
Svo er töluverður spenningur á Kvöldvaktinni fyrir tónleikum Pharcyde og Caribou á Íslandi sem verða síðar á árinu.
Una Torfa & Jón Jónsson - Vertu hjá mér
13th Ward Social Club - Three of cups
Kaleo - Back door
Durand Jones and the Indications - Been so long
Yukimi - Peace Reign
Cousin Kula - Move over
Jacob Alon -Liquid Gold 25
Derya Yildirim & Grup Şimşek - Güneş
Oracle Sisters - Drink the ocean
Dream Wife - Room 341
Björg Pé - Tímabært
Arc De Soleil - Dunes of Djoser
Souleance - Kaymak
Páll Óskar & Benni Hemmi Hemm - Allt í lagi
Indi Blue - Found you when I stopped
Salami Rose Joe Louis - Dribs and drags
Jennie - Damn Right
The Weeknd - Wake me up
Billy Woods - Misery
The Pharcyde - Drop
Chris Lake - Ease my mind
Bonobo - Dark will fall
Momma - I want you
Katrín Myrra & Klara Einarsdóttir - VBMM
Mount Kimbie - The Trail
Lucy Dacus - Ankles
Steve Sampling - Draugadansinn
James K - Ultra Facial!
Greentea Peng - Whatcha mean
Mau P - The less I know the better
Yaeji - Pondeggi
Caribou - Can´t do without you
Grimes - Genesis
Phonique feat Erlend Øye - Casualties ( Morgan Geist Remix)
Hidden Spheres - Trust the feeling
Sabrina Carpenter & Dolly Parton - Please please please