
Profile of an artist / Reggie Watts

Reggie Watts is an american comedian, actor and musician known for performances on stage, television and online platforms that blend improv, stand up comedy and music. He's particularly famous for his improvised musical sets using looping technology, where he creates complex and engaging compositions in real-time using just his voice and a few instruments. He has released albums and comedy specials, toured the world and appeared on late-night talk shows.

Last fall he published his autobiography, Great Falls, MT: Fast Times, Post-Punk Weirdos, and a Tale of Coming Home Again. A coming of age story that delves into his relationships with his parents, friends, girlfriends, teachers and bandmates in a very typical American town in Montana. A rather honest and sincere narrative of discovery and experimentation.


1. maí 2024

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Listamenn koma með tónlist í farteskinu og rifja upp sögur úr lífi sínu, segja frá verkum, áhrifavöldum og andagift. Dregin er upp svipmynd vikulega í menningarþættinum Víðsjá á Rás1.

Umsjón: Halla Harðardóttir og Tómas Ævar Ólafsson.

