
Profile of a visual artist / Amanda Riffo

Amanda Riffo received the Icelandic Art Prize as Artist of the Year 2024 for her solo exhibition House of Purkinje, in The Living Art Museum. Riffo is a French-Chilean artist who has been based in Reykjavík for little over a decade. She was raised in the french country side but moved to Paris early on. The visual arts were not a big part of her childhood but the family visited museums and galleries in Paris on a regular basis. She studied at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts in Paris. A school that offered its students immense freedom. Freedom that required them to really organize themselves or drop out. Riffo moved to Iceland almost by accident. The idea to apply for a residency in Reykjavik came to her after attending a small Icelandic music festival in Paris in 2007. She was only going to stay here for a few months but the world settled under here feet and she lives here still.

House of Purkinje, curated by Sunna Ástþórsdóttir, cleverly synchronises many different narratives, from epistemology and optics, through her own experience of the patchwork economy of the arts, as Riffo casts a critical eye on contemporary art and its mechanisms. Not only does Riffo’s exhibition reflect her talent for combining dissimilar topics into simultaneously similar and distorted objects, but the whole exhibition is a twist on itself, a depiction of every artist’s nightmare: running out of time when installing their exhibition. Thus, the humour in Riffo’s work is especially noteworthy, making those working in the art field cry with laughter; the execution of each object so effectively and convincingly playing a part in her staging of an “unfinished” art exhibition.


3. apríl 2024

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Listamenn koma með tónlist í farteskinu og rifja upp sögur úr lífi sínu, segja frá verkum, áhrifavöldum og andagift. Dregin er upp svipmynd vikulega í menningarþættinum Víðsjá á Rás1.

Umsjón: Halla Harðardóttir og Tómas Ævar Ólafsson.

