Kveikur (with English subtitles)


The plane crash in Lake Thingvallavatn

On February 3, 2022, one of the deadliest plane crashes in recent years occurred in Iceland when an aircraft with four people on board crashed into Lake Thingvallavatn. All those on board perished in the accident. The parents of American Josh Neuman, who died in the crash, believe that Icelandic authorities could have prevented the accident and have instructed their lawyers to prepare a lawsuit against the Icelandic state.


5. mars 2025

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Kveikur (with English subtitles)

Kveikur (with English subtitles)


Kveikur is an investigative news program. The editorial board consists of experienced journalists and producers. The managing editor is Ingólfur Bjarni Sigfússon and reporters Gunnhildur Kjerúlf Birgisdóttir, Jóhann Bjarni Kolbeinsson, Kristín Sigurðardóttir and Tryggvi Aðalbjörnsson. Producers are Arnar Þórisson, Ingvar Haukur Guðmundsson and Árni Þór Theodórsson. This programme is with English subtitles.

